Files and Directories
Linux files are organised in logical fashion for ease of administration. File system acts as a large container contianing hundreds of directories. Linux follows FHS standard ( Filesystem Hierarchy Standard ).
There are 2 types of file systems -- Disk based and memory based.
Disk based filesystem are usually created on HDD.
Memory based filesystem are usually virtual and gets destroys once the system reboots.
There are 2 types of data : Static and Dynamic
Static : Data which doesnot change on system like configuration files, binaries, device Files, kernel files,
Dynamic : Data which keeps on changing log files, status files, temp files etc.
Filesystem Hierarchy :
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
bin sbin usr lib root boot home tmp var opt dev mnt etc proc
| |
| +-------+
+------+----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | |
| | | | | | | cdrom floppy
include src lib share bin sbin local
| |
+----+----+ +-----+
| | | | |
info man doc bin sbin
| |
Linux files are organised in logical fashion for ease of administration. File system acts as a large container contianing hundreds of directories. Linux follows FHS standard ( Filesystem Hierarchy Standard ).
There are 2 types of file systems -- Disk based and memory based.
Disk based filesystem are usually created on HDD.
Memory based filesystem are usually virtual and gets destroys once the system reboots.
There are 2 types of data : Static and Dynamic
Static : Data which doesnot change on system like configuration files, binaries, device Files, kernel files,
Dynamic : Data which keeps on changing log files, status files, temp files etc.
Filesystem Hierarchy :
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
bin sbin usr lib root boot home tmp var opt dev mnt etc proc
| |
| +-------+
+------+----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | |
| | | | | | | cdrom floppy
include src lib share bin sbin local
| |
+----+----+ +-----+
| | | | |
info man doc bin sbin
| |
A brief description of FHS ( Linux ):
/ -> "/" or "slash" contains all the other dirs in linux.
| "Father of all directories".
|-- bin/ -> "/bin" contains compulsory binaries which all users
| can use and without which linux will not work well.
|-- sbin/ -> "/sbin" contains compulsory binaries which only super
| user can use and without which linux will not work.
|-- etc/ -> "/etc" contains all config files [ASCII/flat files]
|-- dev/ -> "/dev" contains all block and character special
| device drivers.
|-- lib/ -> "/lib" contains all shared objects (.so) files.
| Similar to (.dll) files in Windows.
|-- mnt/ -> "/mnt" contains dummpy dirs for mounting removable
| | devices.
| |
| |-- cdrom/ -> "/mnt/cdrom" is the mount point for CD-ROM drive.
| |
| `-- floppy/ -> "/mnt/floppy" is the mount point for floppy drive.
|-- opt/ -> "/opt" contains optional third party softwares.
|-- root/ -> "/root" is the home directory of super user.
|-- boot/ -> "/boot" contains all bootable files and the linux
| kernel.
|-- home/ -> "/home" contains home directories of all users.
|-- proc/ -> "/proc" contains virtual file system i.e the linux
| kernel in RAM
|-- tmp/ -> "/tmp" contains temporary files and directories.
| It is like the scratch pad of the system.
| Running apps use this for their temp files
|-- var/ -> "/var" contains variable files. eg. mail boxes of
| users, log files.
| "Father of all directories".
|-- bin/ -> "/bin" contains compulsory binaries which all users
| can use and without which linux will not work well.
|-- sbin/ -> "/sbin" contains compulsory binaries which only super
| user can use and without which linux will not work.
|-- etc/ -> "/etc" contains all config files [ASCII/flat files]
|-- dev/ -> "/dev" contains all block and character special
| device drivers.
|-- lib/ -> "/lib" contains all shared objects (.so) files.
| Similar to (.dll) files in Windows.
|-- mnt/ -> "/mnt" contains dummpy dirs for mounting removable
| | devices.
| |
| |-- cdrom/ -> "/mnt/cdrom" is the mount point for CD-ROM drive.
| |
| `-- floppy/ -> "/mnt/floppy" is the mount point for floppy drive.
|-- opt/ -> "/opt" contains optional third party softwares.
|-- root/ -> "/root" is the home directory of super user.
|-- boot/ -> "/boot" contains all bootable files and the linux
| kernel.
|-- home/ -> "/home" contains home directories of all users.
|-- proc/ -> "/proc" contains virtual file system i.e the linux
| kernel in RAM
|-- tmp/ -> "/tmp" contains temporary files and directories.
| It is like the scratch pad of the system.
| Running apps use this for their temp files
|-- var/ -> "/var" contains variable files. eg. mail boxes of
| users, log files.
|--lost+found/ --> This directory is used to hold up files that become orphan
| after system crash. Orphan files are those who have lost
| there name. When filesystem is created its automatically
| created.If deleted can be recreated through mklost+found
`-- usr/ -> "/usr" contains all installation files of linux.
|-- bin/ -> "/usr/bin" contains optional binaries which all users
| can use [3rd party binaries]
|-- sbin/ -> "/usr/sbin" contains optional binaries which only su-
| per user can use [3rd party binaries]
|-- local/ Program Files folder in Windows.
| |
| |-- bin/ -> "/usr/local/bin" contains third party binaries inst-
| | alled after installation, which all users can use.
| |
| `-- sbin/ -> "/usr/local/sbin" contains third party binaries inst-
| alled after installation, which only super user can
| use.
|-- include/ -> "/usr/include" - Mostly C header files, Assembler
|-- src/ -> "/usr/src" contains the source code of the linux
| kernel in a sub directory (linux-2.4.20-8) under it.
|-- lib/ -> "/usr/lib" contains all optional shared objects (.so)
`-- share/
|-- info/ -> "/usr/share/info" contains the Linux manual in HTML
|-- doc/ -> "/usr/share/doc/" contains the Linux Documentation
`-- man/ -> "/usr/share/man" contains the Linux Manual
`-- man1/
`-- man2/
`-- man3/
`-- man4/
`-- man5/
`-- man6/
`-- man7/
`-- man8/
`-- man9/
`-- usr/ -> "/usr" contains all installation files of linux.
|-- bin/ -> "/usr/bin" contains optional binaries which all users
| can use [3rd party binaries]
|-- sbin/ -> "/usr/sbin" contains optional binaries which only su-
| per user can use [3rd party binaries]
|-- local/ Program Files folder in Windows.
| |
| |-- bin/ -> "/usr/local/bin" contains third party binaries inst-
| | alled after installation, which all users can use.
| |
| `-- sbin/ -> "/usr/local/sbin" contains third party binaries inst-
| alled after installation, which only super user can
| use.
|-- include/ -> "/usr/include" - Mostly C header files, Assembler
|-- src/ -> "/usr/src" contains the source code of the linux
| kernel in a sub directory (linux-2.4.20-8) under it.
|-- lib/ -> "/usr/lib" contains all optional shared objects (.so)
`-- share/
|-- info/ -> "/usr/share/info" contains the Linux manual in HTML
|-- doc/ -> "/usr/share/doc/" contains the Linux Documentation
`-- man/ -> "/usr/share/man" contains the Linux Manual
`-- man1/
`-- man2/
`-- man3/
`-- man4/
`-- man5/
`-- man6/
`-- man7/
`-- man8/
`-- man9/